Monday, June 18, 2018

Reading Response: Ch. 20 of anonymous

“Jesus did not allow the moments of his life to exist in isolation. He constantly connected them and placed them in the light of God’s will.”

Jesus was constantly aligning his perspective with God’s perspective, even when He couldn’t see everything God could. That’s where his faith came in - to fill in the blind spots he knew God had covered. When Satan tempted him in the desert, it was logical to eat after 40 days and 40 nights. What could it hurt? But instead of choosing his desires of the flesh, he chose to follow God’s guidance and situate that moment within God’s plan - not in isolation.

“Jesus knew that sacrificing his body on the cross in the future would be impossible if at this layer he chose to feed the flesh in the desert.”

Quotes from anonymous by Dr. Alicia Britt Chole

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