Thursday, December 31, 2020

2020 Refection

Where were you last year? (Physically and mentally; shallowly and deeply)

What has changed about your circumstances since?

What have you learned through the evolution of your circumstances?

What were some hard things in 2020? How have you learned from them (about yourself and the world)? How are you continuing to learn from them?

What gifts did 2020 bring? Were they all in pretty wrapping?

How are you proud of yourself? (Write this one down)

How do you want 2021 to be different? To what degree are these within your control? In what ways can you take tangible steps towards these images?

Why are you hesitant to hold ambitious images in your brain?

What do you hope your answers will be to these questions next year if you complete this exercise again?

What was the hardest question to answer?

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