Thursday, June 11, 2015

My Mask - My [anonymous] Friend

My wonderfully talented and very close, anonymous best friend wrote this poem. It's a tragic yet beautiful story that is unfortunately relatable to many. She didn't spend hours over the correct syntax or word choice, as I do. Rather, she was simply feeling. Those feelings arranged words on a paper to express themselves, and she trusted me to read them in confidence. I believe feelings are common, though private among people. But literature is a way to bring together those that share these commonalities, without breaking any trust or causing any embarrassment. So, with her permission, I am sharing them with you all.

I wear a mask
It covers how I really feel
My smile is painted on
Behind the mask, tears run down my face
Do I look happy?
Society created this mask for me.
All the questions...
All the judgemental stares
"Why are you sad?"
"Why are you in pain?"
My mask stops these questions,
These judgemental stares
Some days my mask is hard to put on
I just want someone to talk to
Someone to listen to me as I let every emotion out
Some days I wish I could just blend into the background
That my mask would encompass my entire body
The mask I wear hides my pain, but it's still there
I still feel abandoned, alone, and worthless
My mask does not erase the pain, it only represses it
Will it ever go away?
Will I ever not miss you?
Time to put my mask back on
Really, I'm fine.

Tuesday, June 2, 2015


"You are so good. So good, you're always feeling so much. And sometimes it feels like you're gonna bust wide open from all the feeling, doesn't it? People like you are the best in the world, but you sure do suffer for it."