Wednesday, May 20, 2015

Journal Entry - May 20th, 2015

The oxymoronic fact that people can be tired, and yet cannot fall asleep proves that opposite emotions can coexist in a person. The world, including people, was created deeper than black-and-white descriptions. And what a blessing it is. 
Imagine a world where there were only two choices. Two routes. In everything - two colleges, two jobs, two names, two words, two colors... Our world would resemble a black-and-white television. We would never be able to utter the phrase "I love you."
It sounds ridiculous right? If this scenario is so outlandish, why does our world often offer yes-or-no, black-and-white, true-or-false, and A-or-B solutions? War and submission. Love and hate. Legalization and criminalization. 
Wake up and take in the world God created. He made the rainbow of colors because not everything has to contrast. Sometimes things simply coexist equally. He created multiplicity in race, culture, personality, religion, appearance, language, etc. for this exact reason, but we corrupt it. The reality is God has never ranked anything. For example, first and last mean very different things in our culture today. However, Jesus Christ was referred to as the "Alpha and Omega," meaning "beginning and end." It conflicts in our minds, due to our false manipulation of the words. The truth is, we can't dumb down God's creation, including God's word, into something we can understand. We'll never understand Him. That's why He is God and we are us. That's why there is faith.
The grey area isn't all that grey.  Yes, diversity in our world means diverse problems. That also calls for diverse solutions. In addition, diversity means uncountable kinds of love, beauty, and passion. "Conflicting ideas" only exist because we manipulated "difference" to mean "oppose."
 I am both tired and unable to sleep. I wonder why, but I do not deny that in fact both feelings are happening at once. We accept the rainbow's mystifying beauty, with its array of very different colors coinciding equally within one body. We look at a rainbow as one of the most beautiful, natural phenomenons on our Earth. Imagine if we looked at diversity in the rest of our world under the same light. Imagine how beautiful Earth would appear. We must realize the beauty in the "grey area" because that's where our world exists.